In a heartwarming story from Northern Kentucky, a devoted mother is tirelessly working to provide her adopted son, who has special needs, with the best possible life. Colleen Sullivan, a 52-year-old retired social worker, adopted Elijah, now 7, when he was three-and-a-half. Elijah, who brings joy with his laughter and smile, has cerebral palsy and other severe medical conditions, stemming from a traumatic brain injury he suffered at just four months old.
Colleen's journey to motherhood wasn't easy. After a period of deep prayer and contemplation, she welcomed Elijah into her life, embracing the challenges and joys of raising a child with special needs. Her experience as a social worker has been invaluable in navigating the complexities of finding appropriate schools and resources for Elijah. She praises the state of Kentucky for providing essential equipment for Elijah, such as a wheelchair and bath chair. However, she points out a significant gap in the system: the lack of funding for necessary transportation modifications, like a van with an electric ramp.
Transportation is a critical need for Elijah, as he requires round-the-clock care and assistance with daily activities. Colleen, who recently injured her shoulder while lifting Elijah into their van, emphasizes the importance of a modified vehicle. It's not just about convenience; it's about accessing the joys and experiences of life that many take for granted.
Recognizing this need, one of Elijah's caretakers initiated a fundraising campaign to help cover the cost of a van ramp. This effort is more than just a call for financial assistance; it's a testament to the power of community support and the lengths a mother will go to ensure her child has every opportunity to thrive in the face of adversity.
You can support our fellow CP Warrior by going to the GoFundMe Page here.